Welcome to: Designing Our Worth!

Your dream lifestyle is closer than you think: But, you keep sending it to voicemail.

We all have a gift.

Helping Other Find Their GREATNESS!


Lend A Helping Hand!


Designing Our Worth is all about creating the lifestyle you dream about.

This blog is dedicated to helping you unlock your personal potential to create the lifestyle that you deserve. Simply put, GREATNESS lies within us all, but fear has been known to be the thief dreams. The good news is that you hold the key. I want to encourage you to take control of your finances, embrace new opportunities, and design a life that reflects your true worth. Together, we will explore ways to generate more income, and live a richer, more rewarding life.

What does your dream life look like

To get to your dream life, you have to first learn how to unlock your earning potential.



Spend more quality time with family.


Go on the vacations of your dreams.


You can live the life you deserve.

About Me!

Meet Sandra Ivy

If your dreams don’t scare you a little, it may mean that your dreams probably aren’t BIG enough!

Area Of Growth!


Travel first starts in your heart.

Are you ignoring your heart desires? Let me guess. Your thoughts enjoy reminding you that you can’t afford those desires. What if I told you that you can.


What are you afraid of?

Did you know the the thing you fear the most, may very well be where you will find your super power. I’ve heard countless stories of how someone’s entire life changed, all because they finally did the thing they feared most. Don’t believe?

What’s your passions

Only you hold the key to unlocking your passion!

Success is not for the chosen few, but for the few who choose it.

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